

今天早上我的闹钟5点半就响了。. 我不是一个早起的人, but when my mind realized what we were going to do today, I jumped up and got ready for the adventure that awaits me in the San Juan Mountains. Driving down from Montrose, Colorado I had my Spotify playlist going with all my favorite songs. 这使得40英里的车程过得很快.

Swerving my car to and fro along the Uncompahgre River makes driving the roads exciting. With mountains scaling on both sides, I can’t help but to be distracted by the raw beauty. Accelerating through the last corner coming into town, I catch the glimpse of Mt. 艾布拉姆斯正好在视线中心. Basecamp Ouray is found on the west side of Main Street, 几乎在市中心的中心地带. This outlet center is a hub for multiple stores including Ray’s Jerky (great for snacks), 《LOL外围在哪里买》(很棒的早餐), 欧瑞衬衫公司(欧瑞服装), and downstairs at Colorado Made is an amazing selection of locally made art! Basecamp is at the far back of the building where you will find the friendly staff, 有时狗, 还有一个充满攀岩乐趣的房间! (我还提到过远程办公空间吗?)

We met Logan Tyler, owner of Basecamp Ouray, bright and early at 7:30 am. He was chipper and eager to take our group on his 通过Ferrata masterpiece. 他帮我们弄到了所需的装备, 确保一切都合适, 我们有必需品,比如水, 头盔, 还有防晒.

Once ready, we took a short drive north to go to our starting point (about 3 minutes). Exiting the SUV, there it was… the towering red rock that awaiting our adventure. Some of us were grinning ear to ear, while others were thinking about what they got themselves into.

一开始,洛根说这是最棘手的. It incorporates everything you will encounter on the route (besides the sky bridges). The reason it starts like this is for people to test their capabilities mentally and physically. That way, you can figure it out while there is time to turn back. Because once you start, there is only one other spot to make an exit. 洛根是一位优秀的导师、教练和向导. 他帮助指导我们该做什么, 会发生什么, 如何处理精神崩溃(非常重要), 并告诉我们他是如何创造这种体验的. 我不会剧透的,所以一定要自己去发现!

攀爬 this structure took my mind away from everything else that was happening in life. 它迫使我专注于现在. Maybe it was the fear of not wanting to slip or fall that made me focus so much… Even then, 我知道如果发生这种事是安全的. You are double locked in with the 爬ing system they have, so if one fails (which hardly ever is the case) the second is there for backup.

第一部分很棘手, and took our group a little while to get the groove of the movement: 爬 up, 稳定, unclip one carabiner to move to the next stretch of cable, 重复第二个钩环, 重新获得平衡, 看看你要去的地方, 爬, 重复. 一旦你把动作记下来,它几乎就像瑜伽一样. 除非你是在悬崖边上.

There are multiple points along the route where Logan stops to talk about the 历史 of what happened here. The Gold Mountain Mine was very active back in the late 1800s and early 1900s. You can see reminisce of building structures, railways, tunnels, and even materials that they used! One thing that makes this adventure stand out compared to other 通过Ferrata’s is the incorporation of Ouray’s 历史.

About half-way up, there are two options to get to the next point. 一种方法是更容易攀爬, the other would be most difficult due to the sheer steepness and endurance to complete the task. 攀爬 up the difficult route got the arms and shoulders burning. Probably because I am not much of an arm day kind of girl… At the halfway point, 我的心开始狂跳. Not just because my muscles were screaming, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?而是因为那些令人瞠目结舌的景色.



Having my life depend on just a small cable to stand on and some lanyards to catch if I fall, 允许一个新的视角. It’s indescribable feeling in reference to what your eyes are seeing. 下面崎岖不平的矿井建筑, the piercing blue sky contrasting with the rocky peaks of the mountains, 四面八方都有一个广袤美丽的山谷.

We all took a break to get some water after that section. 很高兴我们都成功了! Our next obstacle we found just on the other side of the old mining cart tunnel, 第一座悬索桥. 我不介意身高, 但对于那些可能受其影响的人, 一定要在结尾找到一个点, 只是盯着看. That helps keep you from looking down and even helps with balance.


We continued to hike a little ways to go through an old blacksmith building. 一定要拍照! 再一次,这里的景色令人难以置信. This 通过Ferrata goes up more than 1,200 feet in elevation, so you won’t be disappointed! The next portion of the 爬 reminded me of the beginning. It is a little more technical with having to switch the clips from the left side, 向右, 和背部. 然后抬头看. 就是这样. 美国第二长的天桥. The length of this suspension bridge is 273 feet, only missing the record by two feet! To me, this one was easier than the first because the footing wasn’t a round cable. 它有几英寸宽,有抓地力. To others, it was harder, but they took their time and made it with no issues.

一旦大桥建成, we made our way on a path that went underneath the bridge to connect us with the last batch of cables before making it to the top. 那时,我们都是专业的. At least, we thought we looked like we knew what we were doing by the end of it!

We were greeted at the top by another Basecamp employee who was our ride back. He was smiling and offered to get photos of us at the top. High-fives were going around, laughs, and best of all… we made memories to last a lifetime.

Before getting to the SUV, we came across another structure. 那不是矿井,是酒吧. 嗯,很快就会成为酒吧. 开玩笑地, 洛根说, 通常是在人们过度徒步旅行的时候, 你鼓励他们说, “哦,上面有一瓶啤酒(开玩笑)”, 现在我们不用拿这件事开玩笑了.”

The Gold Mountain 通过Ferrata was an incredible experience. 它包含了健身, 自我意识, 建立自信, 历史, 科罗拉多的山景是你在其他地方看不到的.


  • 没有工作经验是必要的

  • 它是儿童友好型的

  • 你必须戴上头盔

  • Gloves are smart to bring to help keep your hands from getting sore

  • 他们有大的群体

  • It is a privately-owned route, so you have to go with Basecamp Ouray


